E c o N i m e s


Eco Nimes help our clients with the desired product, price, and delivery by sourcing from a compatible supplier base with respect for budget and timeliness. Our fully integrated services, from sourcing material to delivering the finished goods, ensure that all the Client’s specifications are met, and our dedicated merchandisers will keep you informed of every stage of the design, pre-production sampling, and production and delivery process.


Design, Research & Development

The Design and R&D department is a critical component of any apparel sourcing office. At Eco Nimes, this department is responsible for designing and developing new products that meet the changing needs and preferences of customers. The primary function of the Design team is to create unique and innovative designs that are in line with current fashion trends. They work closely with the R&D team to develop prototypes and test new materials and technologies. The R&D team, on the other hand, is responsible for conducting research on new materials, technologies, and production processes. They work to identify new and better ways to produce garments that meet the quality standards of the brand. The team collaborates with suppliers to test and evaluate new materials, as well as with production teams to develop new production processes that are more efficient and cost-effective. The Design and R&D departments work closely with other teams within the sourcing office, such as the merchandising and production teams, to ensure that products are developed and manufactured according to the brand's specifications. They also work with suppliers to ensure that materials and production processes are sustainable and ethical.

Research Development Services
Merchandising Services


Product Management/ Merchandising

Our dedicated merchandising team is responsible for overseeing the entire lifecycle of a product, from conception to production and launch. They work closely with the design and R&D teams to develop product strategies that align with the company's goals and market trends. They also collaborate with production teams to ensure that products are developed and manufactured efficiently and within budget. In addition, the team is responsible for monitoring product performance and making necessary adjustments to ensure continued success in the marketplace.


Quality & Compliance

Our compliance team conducts rigorous random audits at the garment vendor’s premises on behalf of the client. Audits are also conducted on working conditions, wages, health, and safety to ensure conformity with international labor and human rights laws. Specific audits are also possible for clients with special emphasis. Our quality team closely monitors vendor’s quality performance by closely following AQL 2.5 or 1.5 quality auditing protocols, update & communicates with the clients on regular basis. Our team also performs inline audits during the manufacturing process and final audits when the goods are packed and ready to ship for every order to ensure the client receives consistent quality product all the time.

Quality Services



Eco Nimes is committed to creating a sustainable future for the apparel industry. We believe that sustainability is not just a buzzword but a way of life, and we work hard to ensure that our manufacturing processes have minimal impact on the environment. We work with manufacturers that prioritize sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes to reduce their environmental footprint.



Our logistic team is responsible for ensuring that products are shipped on time, at the right cost, and in compliance with all regulatory requirements. They work closely with suppliers, freight forwarders, and transportation companies to coordinate the movement of goods. They also collaborate with other departments, such as production and merchandising, to ensure that products are available when needed. Effective logistics management helps to ensure that products are delivered to customers on time and in good condition, that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Logistics Services


+92 333 8659127

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